The Hong Kong Society of Medical Professionals Ltd (HKSMP) was inaugurated on the 3rd May 2008.

We celebrated our 10th Anniversary of HKSMP in 2018.

HKSMP is founded by a group of medical professionals residing and practicing in Hong Kong. Most of our members are middle class professionals. We are hoping to gather a group of multidisciplinary medical professionals who have a heart to build a better society in terms of putting our effort together in helping the poor, under-privileged, socially deprived and the needy both locally and in China. We have yearly mooncake campaign to raise funds for the needy and donated thousands of mooncakes to poor people.

We are pro-environmental and especially concern about food sustainability. In May 2016, HKSMP hosted the very first “Sustainable Table” in Hong Kong.
7 overseas and 2 local Michelin chefs gathered in Hong Kong to promote Sustainable Food and we work with World Wide Fund HK to introduce the concept of sustainable food in local restaurants and shops. In March 23 2018, HKSMP hosted the 2nd “Sustainable Table” with 10 world renowned chefs.

We also collaborated with private corporate and social welfare department to participate in the “Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged”. This program (Operation Moring Sun) helped 2000 people in need of dental care, distributed 1000 joy luck bags including mini rice cookers. We also worked with non- government organizations to train up 1000 volunteers. These volunteers paid a total of 20,000 home visits to the disadvantaged and every visit with our special gift bag.

This platform also brings a group of medical professionals together to share our views on matters relating to the wellbeing (health) of Hong Kong community through our programs on education, health screening and free medical consultation.

On 23rd May 2011, “Medical Professional Foundation Ltd” was formed to support and facilitate the charity work of the Society. The Foundation is a recognized charitable institution exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (chapter 112).


2018 年是醫專會創立十週年的大慶日子。

醫專會是由一群在香港成長並具備醫療專業資格的人士創立。我們大多數成員都是中產階 級的專業人士。協會希望能夠聚集一批跨界別的醫學專業人士,共同齊心建立一個更美好 的社會,幫助本港的貧困老弱。我們每年舉行月餅籌款活動,為窮人籌集資金並向窮人捐 贈數千枚月餅。 每年醫專會籌集善款做福袋、特製預寒內衣、冷帽、頸巾、助聽器及血壓 計送給弱勢社群。我們也舉辦盆菜宴,一起和貧苦大眾共渡佳節。

我們非常重視環保,尤其關注食品的可持續性。 2016 年 5 月,醫專會在香港舉辦了首個 “永續餐桌”,邀請了 7 位國際和 2 位本地米之蓮世界級名廚齊聚香港,推廣可持續健康 食物。我們並與香港世界自然基金會合作,研究引入可持續食品的概念,希望本地餐飲業 能響應這個概念。 2018 年 3 月 23 日,醫專會再接再勵,與全新的 10 位世界知名廚師共 同舉辦第二屆“永續餐桌”。

過往我們與私營企業和社會福利處合作,參與“攜手扶弱基金”, 開展晨曦行動。晨曦行 動幫助了 2000 名需要牙科護理的老人,發放了包括迷你電飯煲在內的 1000 份福袋,並與 非牟利機構合作訓練 1000 名義工,組織了 20000 多次家訪給有需要人士。

醫專會亦透過教育,健康檢查及免費醫療諮詢等計劃,匯集一群醫學專業人士,期盼對香 港的未來(健康)發展做出有建設性的貢獻。

於二零一一年五月二十三日,「醫專會愛心基金」成立,以支援及協助本會的慈善工作。 該基金會是根據“稅務條例”第 88 條(第 112 章)獲豁免繳稅的認可慈善機構。